Classic Incogmeato™ Burger
  • 1patty Incogmeato™ Burgerthawed
  • pan spray for griddle
  • salt
  • pepper
  • 1 vegan burger bun
  • vegetable oil
  • 2tsp vegan ketchup
  • 2tsp vegan mayo
  • 1-2pieces lettuce
  • 1slice ripe tomatoe
  • 2slices sweet onion rings1/4″ sliced
  • 3-4slices pickles
  • 1slice vegan american cheese slices
  1. Pre-heat griddle to 350 F. Clean & scrape griddle if needed. Spray with pan spray.
  2. Pre-heat charbroiler to 600-750F, clean grates & oil lightly.
  3. Season patties lightly with salt and pepper on both sides. Place patty on cooking equipment, and cook, turning once, to internal temperature of 160F. Patty should reach 150F for optimum juiciness (All equipment differs and may or may not be calibrated so these times are guidelines only and approximations. 3 min per side on griddle = 6 min total OR 2.5 min-3 per side on Charbroiler grill= 5-6 min total) Test cook on your equipment for optimal time.
  4. Toast Buns – use oil if using flattop-or use operators bun toaster. Spread both sides of bun with 1 tsp each of Vegan Mayo & Vegan Ketchup.