Lobster Ravioli with Roasted Garlic and Herb Compound Butter - Ginsberg's Foods
Lobster Ravioli with Roasted Garlic and Herb Compound Butter





SKU: 28618-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-1-1-1-2-1-1 Category:


• 1 package of Lobster Seviroli® Ravioli
• Chopped Parsley, for garnish
• Sliced Lemon, for garnish

Roasted Garlic and Herb Compound Butter
• 1 stick of Unsalted butter
• 1 head of Garlic
• Olivari® Olive oil
• 1/2 tsp Thyme
• 1/2 tsp Sage
• 1/2 tsp Rosemary
• 1/2 tsp Parsley
• Companions® parchment paper
• Companions® aluminum foil


  1. Cover 1 whole head of garlic in Olivari® olive oil and wrap in Companions® Aluminum Foil. Set oven to 350° and roast garlic for 45-60 min.
  2. Remove garlic from the oven, remove the husk, and add roasted garlic to a mixing bowl. 
  3. Add 1 stick of unsalted butter to the bowl, and toss in the herbs; sage, parsley, rosemary, and thyme.
  4. Mix all ingredients together well.
  5. Grab one sheet of Companions® parchment paper and lay flat. Add your butter mix from the bowl then proceed to form and shape your butter mix into a log. Roll the butter in the parchment paper and twist the ends together to secure. Set aside in the fridge to harden.
  6. Prepare 1 package of Lobster Seviroli® Ravioli according to package directions.
  7. Remove your compound butter from the fridge and slice to your desired width, then add a few slices to a pan over medium heat, make sure to reserve 1-2 slices for garnish. 
  8. Drain and transfer Ravioli, and add to the pan with butter. If pre-making, drain and transfer into a serving tray, and mix ravioli with a bit of olive oil to keep them from sticking together.
  9. Plate the ravioli and garnish with the roasted garlic and herb compound butter, chopped parsley, and sliced lemon.

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